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"What is Creation" and "What is Man"

June 17, 2015 Speaker: Series: Systematic Theology Class 2015

Topic: Systematic Theology

This is the third session of our summer Systematic Theology class in which Curtis Froisland considers the questions, "what is creation" and "what is man?" 

Here are the accompanying notes and files:

1. Systematic Theology Class #3 Notes, part 1
2. Systematic Theology Class #3 Notes, part 2
3. Doctrine of Creation


Hello Friends!

This week we covered "What Is Creation?" and "What is Man?" These are important topics as we think about our identity, our role in the world, and our choices. Feel free to look over the notes, and email any questions you may have.

Read Ch. 5-6 in Christian Beliefs

Notes attached for Week 3 Session 1 & 2.

Additional Materials:
Grudem PDF of the strengths and weaknesses of the different views of Genesis 1.