As Each One Has Received A Gift
January 18, 2015 Speaker: Series: 1 Peter: The True Grace of God for the Real Issues of Life
Topic: Service Passage: 1 Peter 4:10–4:11
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One of the most commonly heard critiques of contemporary Western culture is that we have become a consumeristic culture. And many have written that this consumerism has undercut authentic community in the Christian church. To compound things many of us don't feel confident we have the level of ability or energy to serve effectively if we wanted to. Both lack of confidence and lack of commitment undercut service. The thing that's so helpful about this passage in 1 Peter is that he addresses both of these issues head on.
More in 1 Peter: The True Grace of God for the Real Issues of Life
February 15, 2015
This Is The True Grace of God. Stand Firm In It.February 8, 2015
Humble Warriors Who Hope in GodFebruary 1, 2015
To the Elders and the Flock