It's About Love
November 2, 2014 Speaker: Series: 1 Peter: The True Grace of God for the Real Issues of Life
Topic: Love Passage: 1 Peter 3:8
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Pastor Larry teaches from 1 Peter 3:8, reminding Christians that we have been called to a life of love:
"We’re celebrating the Lord’s Supper in this service. When Jesus gave us the Lord’s Supper he also said he was giving us a new commandment,that we love one another as he has loved us. He said this is how the world will know that you are truly my disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:34-35). Jesus never said it was our job as Christians to demonstrate God's displeasure at sin by our demeanor towards people. He called us to a life of love. The apostle Peter was there in that little lamp lit upper room, with that band of brothers for the last supper. He had seen love, not just a fluffy feeling or sentiment, but authentic, deep, strong love for others embodied in Jesus, and he heard Jesus give the new commandment. It became an important theme in his ministry and teaching."
More in 1 Peter: The True Grace of God for the Real Issues of Life
February 15, 2015
This Is The True Grace of God. Stand Firm In It.February 8, 2015
Humble Warriors Who Hope in GodFebruary 1, 2015
To the Elders and the Flock