Child Dediction
What is it? And why is it important?
According to Mark 10:14, Jesus considered children to be very important. “He said to them, " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to these”.
In Deuteronomy 6:6-7 God points out to parents that they were first to let his word be on their hearts and then to impress it on their children. Child dedication is an expression of obedience to this command by parents to the Lord.
We would like to invite parents wanting to dedicate their child to attend the Child Dedication Gathering on November 3rd during the second service in the Equip room. You can RSVP for this gathering here at this link!
This will be an opportunity to ask questions, participate in a discussion and celebrate your commitment.
Is this infant baptism?
No. We believe that a child must be old enough to understand what it means to put their faith in Jesus Christ before they can be baptized. This event is an opportunity for you as parents to publicly declare that you want to raise your child to develop their own relationship with Jesus Christ.
Will my children be attending the discussion event on November 3rd?
Yes, they are welcome if they don't regularly attend a class. We have scheduled this during the second service so that your child/ children will be able to attend their regular class.
How many people can I invite?
We ask that only parents, grand-parents and guardians attend the discussion on November 3rd. You are welcome to invite whomever you want for the actual dedication on November 10th!
What do I need to do before the event?
First RSVP. Then we would like you to pick a life verse for your child. What scripture do you pray over them? Is there a verse that the Lord has laid on your heart for them? Finally, come prepared for a family photo on November 3rd. You can RSVP using this link here.
Will there be food at the discussion?
Of course! We are planning on having snacks but not a full meal.
What time is the event?
We will communicate with you, by email, what time you will be scheduled for your family photo. We will start taking photos at 10:00 on November 3rd. The discussion will start at 10:45.
What should we wear?
Considering that there will be a family photo opportunity with a professional photographer, whatever you feel is appropriate! The photos will be taken on November 3rd.